Jul 18, 2011

Forward this to everyone you care...

When a robber forces you to take money from the ATM, do not argue or
resist. You might not know what he or she might do to you. What you
should do is to punch your PIN in the reverse mode.
I.e. if your PIN # is 1254, you punch 4521.

The moment you punch in the reverse mode, the money will come out, but
will be stuck into the machine half way out and it will alert the
Police (security) without the notice of the robber

Every ATM has it; it is specially made to signify danger and help. Not
everyone is aware of this.

Forward this to all your loved ones, friends and those you care about

1 comment:

  1. salam. hi. kos ni kalau kat UTeM dorg panggil BITI. kos ni susah jugak la. org cakap banyak2 kos sains komputer kos ni paling susah. sebab dia banyak guna logic thinking pastu ada sikit2 main dengan maths.

    pasal kerja pulak, insyaAllah senang sebab skop kerja dia sama je macam kos2 it yang lain.

    kos ni pasal sistem pintar contohnya robot. robot yang boleh meniru gaya manusia. lebih kurg macam tu lah.

    harap membantu :)
